“The journey, part III: Ascent”
Let the rhythm
(Take You Over)
[feat. ch1e-mori]
Also found on: Deezer, Napster, iHeartRadio, Qobuz, ClaroMusica, Anghami, KKBox, TikTok, and Pandora
The Visual EP
from the
A small collection of poetry, stories and drawings introducing the reader to the author, his voice, ideas, anxieties, hopes and dreams.
A companion piece to help contextualize 'The Visual EP', 'Art&Sound', and 'Escape the Internet EP'
Be sure to check out the Spotify collections below!
The Journey | Descent, Transverse, and Ascent
“Stream Safe Instrumentals,” a mixed playlist for streams, videos, and other fair use content
Loosies, Singles and Youtube
Changing Seasons
2 Ya Do It
4 Bright
7 Let's Not (And Say We Didn't)
8 5-1 to Freedom (The Ice Cream Song)
9 Fighter
10 Just Be
13 Cloud City
14 Changing Seasons
15 Spinning
16 Soldier On
Descent | The Journey, part I
Transverse | The Journey, part II
VIII. Cold, Dark Streets
IX. Knockin’
X. Getting Water (From a Stone) [feat. Alexis Olguin]
XI. The Seeker
XII. Let the Spirit
XIII. Spring Dreaming
XIV. Little Things
Ascent | The Journey, part III
XVI. Tayta Inti
XVII. Let the Rhythm (Take You Over) [feat. Ch1e-M0ri]
XVIII. Colin Jost
XIX. omw
XX. Play Day
XXI. Anaychay (The Goodbye Song)
XXII. a: Safety
XXII. b: Dark Hope
XXII. c: Idle Mind